Word Parsing

18 - Dependency Parser

A Dependency Parser extracts a dependency graph from a sentence. In the graph the grammatical structure, like subject and object, and relationships between words represented by Dependency tags.

A Dependency Parser extracts a dependency graph from a sentence. In the graph the grammatical structure is represented and relationships are defined between head-words and words, which modify these heads. For example, most sentences have a root-word, which is the main verb, a subject and an object. All tags are defined on the Universal Dependency Relations website. You can also play with the displaCy Dependency Visualizer demo.

{ **subject** } had { **object** } example with displaCy Dependency Visualizer (source)

Dependencies are also great for Information Extraction, because there often is an object-subject relation. Spacy is very useful for navigating the dependency parse tree as you can see in this example.

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