Natural Language Generation67 - ParaphrasingExpressing the meaning of a source text into a new text by using different words and maintaining the semantic meaning.
Natural Language Generation66 - Abstractive SummarizationAbstractive summarization systems generate new phrases that express a text by using as few words as possible.
Natural Language Generation65 - Machine TranslationTranslation by machines to perfectly transform text into another language.
Natural Language Generation64 - Report WritingWriting sentences based on structured data is also called Data-to-Text Generation.
Natural Language Generation63 - Next Token PredictionPredicting the next word that is appropriate in the context.
Similarity62 - Contextualized Word RepresentationsWord Representations with the ability to incorporate context.
Similarity61 - Distributed Word RepresentationsMulti-dimensional meaning representations of a word are reduced to a level of N dimensions, so the vectors can be used for similarity measures.
Similarity60 - Document SimilarityEstimating the degree of similarity between the semantic representation of two documents.
Similarity59 - Distance MeasuresMeasuring the syntax similarity or semantic word similarity by a specific distance calculation.
Similarity58 - WordNet SynsetsDefining lexical databases which consist of concepts that are described and interlinked by means of conceptual-semantic and lexical relations.
Unsupervised Signaling57 - Outlier DetectionFinding text that is exceptionally far from the mainstream text.
Unsupervised Signaling56 - Trend DetectionQuantifying the deviation of the occurrence of words beyond the expected variability, and defining above what threshold you call this a trend.
Unsupervised Signaling55 - Topic ModelingDividing a set of vectorized documents into N unsupervised topics by determining how similar vectors for a specific topic should be, and how many topics should be distinguished.
Unsupervised Signaling54 - Extractive SummarizationExtracting the most relevant sentences from a text works in the same way as Keyword extraction.
Supervised Classification52 - Multi-Label Multi-Class ClassificationA specific sub-solution of Text Classification is Multi-Label Multi-Class Text Classification.
Supervised Classification51 - Text ClassificationAssigning tags or categories to text according to its content. It is the broader task where Intent, Sentiment and Spam classification are part of.
Supervised Classification50 - Intent ClassificationUnderstanding the user’s intent and giving the correct responses.
Supervised Classification49 - Sentiment and Emotion DetectionDetecting the overall attitude expressed within a text in an imperative need to standardize the measurement of human sentiment and affective meaning.
Supervised Classification48 - Spam DetectionISPs continuously need to improve on detecting and filtering spam out.
Natural Language Models47 - Monitoring ModelsMonitoring your Language Model might give you the feedback to further improve on performance and usage.
Natural Language Models46 - Deploying ModelsDeploying your Language Model might be a recurrent building block fro DevOps in a larger pipeline.